Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Monday (Tuesday Edition)

I missed my day. But it's OK, because I was busy being happy. I spent the Easter weekend with my family, and Monday and Tuesday at my grandparents house. There was no internet there, as you can imagine in a town called Mountain Top. But it's a favorite town of mine, for that reason. It's a great place to get away, spend time outdoors, and think. And of course, enjoy the kind of hospitality only your family can provide.

My grandfather, "Bud", and my grandmother, "Renie", have lived in their small mountain farmhouse for as long as most of my family can remember. My grandfather drove Greyhound busses and tractor trailers, and my grandmother took care of children - her own, and the kids she served lunch to in the local school cafeteria. They also babysat my little sister and me quite often in our youth; I have lots of great memories of running around their numerous wooded acres, grassy fields, and pond banks.

For as many weekends I spent there, I've eaten just as many pots of my grandmother's famous chicken soup. I've also been given lots of advice and support to go along with that soup. (Insert Chicken Soup for the Soul joke here, if you like.) They've always encouraged me to do what makes me happy, and as they know, playing music is one of those things. I can't tell you how many performances they've videotaped, or how many practice sessions they've had to endure. But it's a lot.

Bud and Renie have called my cell phone on occasion during practice with the Sobriquets, and the band likes to kid me about it. But they'll soon realize the extent to which my grandparents will go to show that they care. I recently asked to borrow their conversion van for part of our summer tour, and my grandfather offered to drive it himself.

So, I'm happy on Monday once again. And well-rested from more than a few breaths of fresh air.

- Nick (drums)

1 comment:

  1. Nick,
    That house looks great. You should shoot a movie there or something.
