Thursday, July 23, 2009

Look Out! Rainbows!

So as I drove home from the musical this evening, Kanako and I were listening to Black Sabbath's Heaven And Hell, and we both laughed out loud whenever Dio screamed "LOOK OUT!" For those of you unfamiliar with Ronnie James Dio, he has two primary lyrical themes: 1) rainbows, and 2) caution. I began to wonder just how often Dio used the words "rainbow(s)" and "look out" in his lyrics, so I decided to find out. Thanks to and my browser's Search function, I have compiled a list for you.

Black Sabbath songs with the phrase LOOK OUT
  1. Children Of The Sea
  2. Lady Evil
  3. Slipping Away
DIO songs with the phrase LOOK OUT
  1. Holy Diver
  2. Rainbow In The Dark
  3. The King Of Rock And Roll
  4. Hide In The Rainbow
  5. Why Are They Watching Me
  6. The Prisoner Of Paradise
Black Sabbath songs with the word RAINBOW(S)
  1. Wishing Well
  2. The Sign Of The Southern Cross
DIO songs with the word RAINBOW(S)
  1. Rainbow In The Dark
  2. Breathless
  3. Evil Eyes
  4. Egypt (The Chains Are On)
  5. Sacred Heart
  6. Hide In The Rainbow
  7. Dream Evil
  8. I Could Have Been A Dreamer
  9. Born On The Sun
  10. My Eyes
  11. Otherworld
If we extrapolate the data, we can see that without Tony Iommi and Geezer Butler looking over his shoulder, Ronnie James Dio will increase his usage of both phrases. We also find that rainbows are far more important than being cautious. We see 9 songs featuring LOOK OUT, but 13 songs featuring RAINBOW(S). Finally, there are two cautionary tales about rainbows in the Dio mythology: "Rainbow In The Dark", and "Hide In The Rainbow".

I have another hilariously metal post in the pipe, so stick around, and until then...LOOK OUT!

- Josh

1 comment:

  1. I do not agree with your conclusion that rainbows are more important in the lyrics of Dio than caution. While the word "rainbow" may appear more times than "look out", there are many of more themes of caution through the lyrics.

    I move we have a proper Lincoln/Douglas debate on the subject, called "Dio: Rainbows vs Caution". We can have it onstage, mostly while James is tuning his guitar.

